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The following flower essences are related to mind.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Arroyo Willow

Restoring a consciousness of personal will, Arroyo Willow helps us responsibly create our life experiences while remaining flexibly true to ourselves.

Big Root Jatropha

Excellent for “growth spurts”, Big Root Jatropha encourages a feeling of security as great inner expansion takes place. It helps us to feel safe enough to allow change to happen without the need to control everything.


Bougainvilla relaxes the body and deepens our breathing, encouraging feelings of peace and ease. By provoking self-reflection and inner listening, crisis is met with stillness and non-reactivity.


Bouvardia fortifies our will to confront life directly and consciously, changing emotional reactivity and avoidance patterns into positive response and action. An excellent essence for denial.

Claret Cup Hedgehog Cactus

Clarity and focus are the key words for this hedgehog cactus. This is an excellent essence for manifestation, meditation or any situation requiring mental steadiness and acuity.

Compass Barrel Cactus

Compass Barrel Cactus helps us move through an emotional state by lightening up and letting go, trusting our inner wisdom to point the way.


When we feel inadequate, weak, emotionally needy or detached from the flow of vital life force, Damiana relaxes and restores our radiant fullness of energy and sensuality.

Embracing Humanness Formula

This combination formula is to help us be more fully human. It facilitates the acceptance of our human emotions, characteristics, and our bodies as the form in which to express our wholeness. It enhances our ability to get along with people and to flow easily in interaction with others and the earth. It helps us use the five senses to gain wisdom and understanding.

Emotional Awareness Formula

This is an essence to help you move from your mind into the feeling level of awareness. It helps you perceive your emotions without judging and controlling them with your mind. It is excellent for excessively intellectual, as well as overly emotional, states. The formula inspires you to stay present, centered and aware through intense emotional states, without blocking or escaping them.

Foothills Paloverde

An essence of choice for those of us who are judgmental of ourselves or others, Foothills Paloverde supports us in quieting our minds and finding perfection within ourselves, just as we are. It is also helpful if we feel at the mercy of our emotions.

Indigo Bush

Indigo Bush helps anchor our spiritually achieved ideas into daily life. It warms the heart and brings the light of clear seeing or inner sight to an area that needs it.

Melon Loco

Melon Loco helps step down the intensity of our emotions in order to bring us back into our bodies. It helps us have emotional sensibility, responsibility and balance.

Morning Glory Tree

This essence is excellent for becoming conscious of issues of ancestral addictions. It facilitates a conscious chance to change patterns that may be latent or active from our families of origin.

Star Evening Primrose

An excellent essence for those of us with a poor self image, Star Evening Primrose is helpful if we blame our negative feelings on an outside source while simultaneously denying such feelings exist. It is also for those of us who are confused about sexuality and spirituality, or who repress sensuality and put energy into occult, mystical or mental pursuits.


Releasing deep sadness from the past, Wolfberry helps us allow grief to take us to a transpersonal experience. When we experience that something is shifting around inside ourselves but we don’t know what it is, Wolfberry helps us be at peace and allow the process without insisting upon defining it.

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