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The following flower essences are related to joy.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

A Way to the Elf Formula

This is an essence that extends our awareness to pure simplicity, light-heartedness and playfulness when we take ourselves and our processes too seriously. This formula assists our ability to transcend pain and negative entanglement. The Elf manifests in times of darkness as hope.


Aloe cultivates patience and surrender to the healing process, especially during a healing crisis. It is excellent if you feel resistance to allowing things to surface, helping you feel supported from within.

Cane Cholla Cactus

Cane Cholla Cactus helps us leap to a new perspective when we struggle with an issue and insist upon defining it in such a way as to block its resolution.

Celebration of Abundance Formula

This is a formula to facilitate opening to, and living, our natural state of abundance. It is an impetus to keep us moving to the next level without becoming frozen or stuck in limitations.

Cellular Joy Formula

This formula has been shown to be a powerful way of releasing, at a cellular level, trauma resulting from physical abuse. It can release us from the fear of being touched and can restore our receptivity to physical touch and intimacy. It is an excellent aid for those recovering from physical beatings and from the abuse inherent in violent sports.

Compass Barrel Cactus

Compass Barrel Cactus helps us move through an emotional state by lightening up and letting go, trusting our inner wisdom to point the way.


For those with a defeatism attitude, or those who experience the world as unsupportive or hostile, Crownbeard helps us to keep faith and optimism. It helps us to transmute fears of hostility and find purposeful expression.

Desert Sumac

Desert Sumac helps us transform the pain of loneliness and separation by seeing beyond the superficial differences in people. It is for those who feel they are on the outside looking in in social relationships.

Dragon Lady Formula

This formula helps us express passion appropriately. The Dragon Lady Formula is excellent for accessing the courage to express this essential emotion and for balancing its inappropriate or overblown expression.

Experiencing Your Feeling Formula

Beneath every emotion is the free-flowing feeling of joy. This formula helps us detach from our assessments of our emotions and feel the underlying joy.

Klein’s Pencil Cholla Cactus

This cactus essence encourages our creativity and growth in dealing with a relationship that feels stuck. It is excellent for when we stay in a relationship that is not supporting our growth in some way.


If we have a false persona, Mariola restores the congruence of our inner experience and outer expression, provoking our essential honesty and enthusiasm.

Mariposa Lily

Self-mothering brings joy and freedom, healing separation and alienation. We become receptive to human love.

Star Evening Primrose

An excellent essence for those of us with a poor self image, Star Evening Primrose is helpful if we blame our negative feelings on an outside source while simultaneously denying such feelings exist. It is also for those of us who are confused about sexuality and spirituality, or who repress sensuality and put energy into occult, mystical or mental pursuits.

Sonoran Rainbow Cactus

For those of us who are expecting things to go wrong or be difficult, Sonoran Rainbow Cactus encourages us to let go and allow our hearts to transmute difficult emotions. We know that there is perfection in each moment and each situation, and we begin to live in joy.

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Desert Alchemy