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The following flower essences are related to seriousness.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

A Way to the Elf Formula

This is an essence that extends our awareness to pure simplicity, light-heartedness and playfulness when we take ourselves and our processes too seriously. This formula assists our ability to transcend pain and negative entanglement. The Elf manifests in times of darkness as hope.

Compass Barrel Cactus

Compass Barrel Cactus helps us move through an emotional state by lightening up and letting go, trusting our inner wisdom to point the way.

Cow Parsnip

For those who take life too seriously and feel that they are responsible for everything and often have an underlying sense of insecurity.


For those with a defeatism attitude, or those who experience the world as unsupportive or hostile, Crownbeard helps us to keep faith and optimism. It helps us to transmute fears of hostility and find purposeful expression.

Foothills Paloverde

An essence of choice for those of us who are judgmental of ourselves or others, Foothills Paloverde supports us in quieting our minds and finding perfection within ourselves, just as we are. It is also helpful if we feel at the mercy of our emotions.

Single Mother’s Formula

The Single Mother’s Formula offers excellent support for issues resulting from single mothering such as: overwhelm associated with trying to play too many different roles; feeling that there is never enough time or resources for healthy child rearing; guilty feelings of doing too much or not enough for our children. It helps us to move the focus to our needs so that we can then be available in the best way possible.

Sonoran Rainbow Cactus

For those of us who are expecting things to go wrong or be difficult, Sonoran Rainbow Cactus encourages us to let go and allow our hearts to transmute difficult emotions. We know that there is perfection in each moment and each situation, and we begin to live in joy.

Violet Curls

Violet Curls helps us release, one by one, congested emotions. It supports us in expressing our emotions as they arise so as not to create a backlog of them. We lighten up and are able to have a calm detachment.

White Desert Zinnia

Those who have a discouraged attitude towards life and who believe that they can never quite get ahead can use this flower essence. It helps bring the ability to laugh at ourselves or a situation and open ourselves to lightness, merriment and renewal.

Wild Woman Formula

The wild woman within each of us is a great benefit as long as she has the opportunity to express herself. If we continuously lock her up in a cage, she explodes and breaks free in ways that may not be in our best interests. Given the freedom to express herself, she is a force of pure and powerful energy that knows her own self-healing power.

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Desert Alchemy