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The following flower essences are related to forgiveness.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Embracing Humanness Formula

This combination formula is to help us be more fully human. It facilitates the acceptance of our human emotions, characteristics, and our bodies as the form in which to express our wholeness. It enhances our ability to get along with people and to flow easily in interaction with others and the earth. It helps us use the five senses to gain wisdom and understanding.


Inmortal goes to the core of shame and self-esteem issues. It is excellent for resolving feelings of despair, feeling that problems are insoluble, and feeling inadequate. It helps us know the magnificence that we really are.


Opening ourselves to abundance and pleasure, Mesquite amplifies compassion and warmth. This is a great essence for loners and for those who feel an inner barrenness.

Milky Nipple Cactus

The Milky Nipple Cactus person demands constant attention from others. This “weaning” essence calms, gives a sense of belonging to the earth and transforms dependence into self-nurturing autonomy.

Palmer Amaranth

For those who focus on inessential things rather than getting to the root of the matter, Palmer Amaranth enhances insights as we awaken to a deeper perception of our being. This essence helps us to nourish our roots so we can flower and fruit.

Sacred Datura

Sacred Datura facilitates seeing beyond our present view of reality to a more comprehensive, visionary state. When appropriate, it supports us in letting go of a known or familiar reality, such as a relationship or job, without feeling threatened.

Saguaro Cactus

Saguaro helps us know and trust our inner wisdom and authority. It restores the will to live, to heal and to be the best that we are. It assists us in accessing the perfect inner father who encourages us on in life.

Scorpion Weed

The strength of innocence and direct confrontation overcomes fear and paralysis. Scorpion Weed helps us with many types of fears: of the consequences of our actions; of our past mistakes; of not being forgiven. It is especially useful when we externalize our fears or when we create monsters out of them.

Senita Cactus

The grandparent’s perspective opens the flow of emotion without pain, without bitterness from the past or expectations for the future. Senita helps us access from within us a soft, sweet support for letting go of old perspectives that keep us locked into unsettled emotions.

Syrian Rue

An energetic “truth serum”, Syrian Rue is for all issues of lying, being lied to, betrayal, telling the truth, and trustworthiness. It helps us know and trust in our own truth, regardless of external pressures.


For those who experience a lack of trust or faith in their spiritual connection, Thistle helps us let down our defensiveness and recognize grace in our lives.

Wild Buckwheat

This is the essence to use when you compare yourself to others and set yourself apart from them. When we focus on the differences between us in relationships we isolate ourselves. Wild Buckwheat helps us find and focus on what we have in common, and helps us blend and harmonize with others.

Woman of Wisdom Formula

Although this formula is specific for creating balance during the important transition of menopause, it is applicable for women of many ages. It helps support the alchemical process of changing experience into wisdom, of allowing our transition into an elder of society and of experiencing the power that comes through acceptance and release.

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Desert Alchemy