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The following flower essences are related to support.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.


Aloe cultivates patience and surrender to the healing process, especially during a healing crisis. It is excellent if you feel resistance to allowing things to surface, helping you feel supported from within.


For those with a defeatism attitude, or those who experience the world as unsupportive or hostile, Crownbeard helps us to keep faith and optimism. It helps us to transmute fears of hostility and find purposeful expression.

Desert Holly

Desert Holly helps us live in a heart-centered state, opening easily to love rather than working at it. It is excellent for those who feel stifled by smothering love or for those who live from their heads rather than from their hearts.

Evening Star

Evening Star is wonderful for problems of intimacy in relationships due to doubt about our emerging identity. It encourages us in shifting from outer dependence to self-reliance with confidence and quiet surety.

Giving & Receiving Support Formula

This formula works with harmonizing both sides of the energy circle. To be guaranteed of receiving support you have to ask for it. This formula is excellent for helping us to give freely without strings attached and receive without feeling obligation.

Mariposa Lily

Self-mothering brings joy and freedom, healing separation and alienation. We become receptive to human love.

Milky Nipple Cactus

The Milky Nipple Cactus person demands constant attention from others. This “weaning” essence calms, gives a sense of belonging to the earth and transforms dependence into self-nurturing autonomy.


Looking for help from sources that are not really supporting you. Finding inner emotional self-nurturance when outer support is not available. It brings a sense of security, purpose, protection.

Unconditional Love & Support Formula

Unconditional love and support begin from within us and then radiate out from our center. The flower in this formula supports and encourages us to recognize and feel this natural flow of unconditional energy within and without.

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Desert Alchemy