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The following flower essences are related to steadiness.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Crisis-Desert Emergency Formula

This is a combination formula to facilitate appropriate response in any crisis situation. It helps us to be able to emerge from the belief that there are no choices. The Chinese hexagram for crisis is composed of two characters: danger and opportunity. The Crisis Formula supports our ability to stay present in apparent danger for the opportunity. This is a universal formula appropriate for any situation.


For those of us who become too easily distracted by the needs of others, Hoptree supports us in staying in alignment with our purpose and remaining focused on what is essential to us. It is excellent for anxiety about boundary making.

Lavender Wand Penstemon

For those who have an inability to deal with emotionally charged issues, this flower essence helps enhance our ability to move into and through difficult issues. It helps bring emotional objectivity and transforms attitudes of struggle and difficulty into ones of confident ease and steadiness of intention.

Pencil Cholla Cactus

For confusion, feeling lost or overwhelmed by details. It helps us focus continually in a specific direction and find steadiness with our intention. It brings clarity and surrender into and through obstacles.

Soaptree Yucca

Soaptree Yucca activates our assertiveness in the expression of our own will or intention, especially if we tend to allow the will of another to dominate us. It helps us to keep sight of our long-term goals with faith, perseverance and endurance.

Spanish Bayonet Yucca

An excellent essence to help us when we experience indecisiveness, hesitation or fear in facing challenges. It provokes a unification of our will with our intention.

Wind & Storm Formula

Wind & Storm Formula helps us flow with situations rather than demanding control over them. It is useful when we need an essence for allowing changes or chaos to flow through us without resisting or becoming rigid. This essence restores our balance if we are frenetic or out-of-control and we find appropriate response to life situations.

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