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The following flower essences are related to vitality.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.


When we feel inadequate, weak, emotionally needy or detached from the flow of vital life force, Damiana relaxes and restores our radiant fullness of energy and sensuality.

Indigo Bush

Indigo Bush helps anchor our spiritually achieved ideas into daily life. It warms the heart and brings the light of clear seeing or inner sight to an area that needs it.

Integrating Being & Doing Formula

This combination of essences is wonderful for workaholics or those who “do” in order to escape being present with themselves. It helps us find the balance of stillness within action, being while we are doing. It is of special support to those of us who define ourselves by what we do.

Klein’s Pencil Cholla Cactus

This cactus essence encourages our creativity and growth in dealing with a relationship that feels stuck. It is excellent for when we stay in a relationship that is not supporting our growth in some way.

White Desert Zinnia

Those who have a discouraged attitude towards life and who believe that they can never quite get ahead can use this flower essence. It helps bring the ability to laugh at ourselves or a situation and open ourselves to lightness, merriment and renewal.

Wild Woman Formula

The wild woman within each of us is a great benefit as long as she has the opportunity to express herself. If we continuously lock her up in a cage, she explodes and breaks free in ways that may not be in our best interests. Given the freedom to express herself, she is a force of pure and powerful energy that knows her own self-healing power.

See also

regeneration energy-distribution
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Desert Alchemy