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The following flower essences are related to uniqueness.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.


Dogbane helps us to access the courage to follow our rebellious instincts, what is an important part of growth and change. It is for the fear that our rebellion will hurt or damage others, and the fear that we cannot take care of ourselves if we leave home. This is the essence to support self-confidence.

Making & Honoring Boundaries Formula

This is a formula to assist our awareness of how to make and honor healthy boundaries: to be able to interact with others without becoming enmeshed with their perceptions of who we are; to be able to give others the information necessary so that they will respect and honor us; and to facilitate removing walls of alienation.

Birdcage Evening Primrose

Birdcage Evening Primrose is for those who are overly influenced by what others think is right for them. It helps us see through other’s projected images and ideals to realize forms of self-expression that are in harmony with our essential nature. It enhances belief in ourselves and discernment of our own unique soul pattern.

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