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The following flower essences are related to reorganization.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Anchor Manifestation Formula

This is a formula to assist us in conscious manifestation. We can realize our connection to universal energy while manifesting it on the earth. For those of us who have creative ideas but have difficulty in actualizing them, it helps us draw down from the realm of dreams to present reality. It connects spirit with the body, thought with realization.

Creativity Formula

This is a formula that facilitates the process of creativity. It helps us to connect with inspiration and creative energy and supports us in refraining from judging ourselves and thus blocking or stifling our creativity. It is used for supporting us in expressing our individuality with a sense of universal wholeness.

Pencil Cholla Cactus

For confusion, feeling lost or overwhelmed by details. It helps us focus continually in a specific direction and find steadiness with our intention. It brings clarity and surrender into and through obstacles.

Staghorn Cholla Cactus

This cholla cactus activates our innate capacity for self-ordering and reconstruction after a time of transformation and change. It helps us see that change occurs in harmony with our own unique soul plan.

Transitions Formula

This is a formula that helps bring a sense of peace and ease in times of great changes and transitions. It supports us in creating a sense of protection, concentration and luminescence that allows us to focus on making our transition without becoming caught in minor issues. Originally named the Death and Dying Formula, it is excellent for those making the physical transition as well as for any type of major change in our lives.

Universe Handles the Details Formula

Giving up the need to personally control the details of life is a liberating experience. Surrendering personal will to the direction of universal will is the theme of this flower essence combination.

Woman of Wisdom Formula

Although this formula is specific for creating balance during the important transition of menopause, it is applicable for women of many ages. It helps support the alchemical process of changing experience into wisdom, of allowing our transition into an elder of society and of experiencing the power that comes through acceptance and release.

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