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The following flower essences are related to polarity.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Crown of Thorns

For those who believe that they must pay a price for love, or that everything worthwhile is difficult to obtain, this essence helps us to know that abundance is our birthright. It is also excellent for those who are invested in the perspective of good and bad, or positive and negative.

Desert Marigold

When we think that someone else has power over us, Desert Marigold helps us recognize how we actually give the power to them. For taking responsibility and transforming victim consciousness.


If we are pulled between two choices, Ratany enables us to recognize, follow and communicate the truth in our hearts.

Saguaro-Queen Formula

This is an essence of inner balance with which we can experience our inner masculine and inner feminine in harmony. Our inner male provides a safe and protected space for our inner female to create and express. This essence fosters feelings of safety, security and oneness with our deep, inner wisdom.

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