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The following flower essences are related to innocence.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Devil’s Claw

Devil’s Claw activates our natural sense of morality. This essence supports us in taking responsibility for owning and expressing who we really are, separate from the projections of others. It is useful if we find ourselves using attractiveness or personal magnetism to manipulate others, or if we try to become who we think others want us to be.


Inmortal goes to the core of shame and self-esteem issues. It is excellent for resolving feelings of despair, feeling that problems are insoluble, and feeling inadequate. It helps us know the magnificence that we really are.

Miracle at Menarche Formula

Menarche is the time of a woman’s first menstruation. This formula offers support for the flowering of a girl into womanhood: for accepting responsibility for our sexuality and sensuality and the recognition of a new relationship with the five senses. It can be used to for healing issues that went unresolved at puberty.

Red Root

For those of us who feel guilty because others suffer and we do not, Red Root helps us release enmeshment. It is also for situations in which we are motivated by superstitions or other unconscious forces.

Syrian Rue

An energetic “truth serum”, Syrian Rue is for all issues of lying, being lied to, betrayal, telling the truth, and trustworthiness. It helps us know and trust in our own truth, regardless of external pressures.

Thank Heaven for Little Girls Formula

This formula can enrich our lives with the naturally refreshing innocence that resides within us. It is excellent for developing gentle strength and consciousness of our deepest purity of intention. It can be used whenever we feel a need to control everything around us in order to find fulfillment. It is also helpful when we need to reactivate our capacity for creating magic in our lives.

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