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The following flower essences are related to exhausted.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Buffalo Gourd

Buffalo Gourd helps us maintain a deep inner place of healing and calm while participating in external activity. The keyword here is balance, knowing that “I Am the center”.

Fairy Duster

Fairy Duster balances the tendency to swing between high and low energy states. We can use this essence when we have inflated expectations or build castles in the air. It is excellent for nervous excitability and over-reactivity to stimuli.

Integrating Being & Doing Formula

This combination of essences is wonderful for workaholics or those who “do” in order to escape being present with themselves. It helps us find the balance of stillness within action, being while we are doing. It is of special support to those of us who define ourselves by what we do.


Whitethorn helps us be more gentle with ourselves. It brings a sense of optimistic freshness and helps our thinking to move in new, innovative directions. It helps release us from succumbing to old patterns and habits, especially if we have continued to act them out after initially recognizing them. It is useful for calming adrenaline excess.

Woven Spine Pineapple Cactus

This cactus loosens old emotional tensions in the body when we are overburdened by the “shoulds” of life, helping us become our own best friend. For regeneration of energy after exhaustion, burn-out, travel, or illness.

See also

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