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The following flower essences are related to destructive.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.


Inmortal goes to the core of shame and self-esteem issues. It is excellent for resolving feelings of despair, feeling that problems are insoluble, and feeling inadequate. It helps us know the magnificence that we really are.

Mala Mujer

Mala Mujer helps the positive expression of feminine qualities, releasing emotional tensions and bringing a lighter, more honest quality to our overall self-expression. It is for when we are bitchy, venomous, shrewish, or grouchy. (Guys! This means you too!)

Mountain Mahogany

Mountain Mahogany provides a gentle but firm push toward our next stage of development. Helpful when we become complacent.

Violet Soldier

For those who feel defeated and unable to survive a transformational experience, Violet Soldier helps us find a will to live, to heal, and to overcome all obstacles. Victory is the key word, victory of the spirit over all possible conditions of external existence.

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Desert Alchemy