Mountain Mahogany

Essence Type: Individual Flower Essence
Flower Color: yellowish-white


Flower Essence Description

Mountain Mahogany provides a gentle but firm push toward our next stage of development. Helpful when we become complacent.

Harmonizing Qualities

  • being directed from within by the sacred, not the ego
  • a gentle but firm push to move onward to the next level of inner development
  • surrendering to universal timing while moving forward

Patterns of Imbalance

  • pushing and trying to make things happen
  • believing that expression of our “masculine” qualities means aggression
  • being stuck or complacent at a certain plateau in your development

How to use and related questions


Mountain Mahogany is related to the following keywords:

capabilityaggressionassertivechallengeconnectiondirectioneffortingegofathermanifestationmasculinemotivationprocrastinationpushingriskingself-judgmentspontaneitystucksurrendertimingwillworkabilitiescareerinertiaambitioncompetitionlazinesssluggishpridecomplacencyadolescenceself-assertiveactiondestructivestimulatingunmotivatedviolencemoving aheadpersonal willtrying to


Mountain Mahogany is mentioned in the following core-issue articles:

Using Flower Essences with Children
comfortable being at home and reluctant to go to school
The Core Issue: Envy
Feeling stuck, unmotivated, unable to move ahead and attempt to manifest what you want
Using Desert Alchemy® Flower Essences with Pets and Other Animals
For pets that are too agressive.
The Core Issue: Procrastination
The desire to stay with what is comfortable and familiar is at the root of the procrastination.


Mountain Mahogany is part of the following series or practitioner kits:

Individual Essences Kit

This kit contains our full line of 119 individual flower essences, all of which are described in depth in The Alchemy of the Desert – Fourth Edition.

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