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The following flower essences are related to defensive.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Cane Cholla Cactus

Cane Cholla Cactus helps us leap to a new perspective when we struggle with an issue and insist upon defining it in such a way as to block its resolution.

Fishhook Cactus

Fishhook Cactus is for those who hide behind non-communication. It is especially indicated for the fear of risking in communication. It supports us with confidence in public speaking, intimate relationships or for speaking foreign languages.

Moontime Harmony Formula

This formula offers support to accept our feminine cycles. It was specifically formulated to help us remain in emotional balance as we experience hormonal fluctuations.


If we have subconscious or unexpressed feelings that erupt in uncontrolled ways, Ocotillo gives insight into and acceptance of our emotions without feeling victimized by them.


For those who experience a lack of trust or faith in their spiritual connection, Thistle helps us let down our defensiveness and recognize grace in our lives.

See also

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