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The following flower essences are related to community.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.


Bloodroot is for those who exclude themselves, or feel ostracized, from a group or community, usually because of deep feelings of unworthiness. It helps heal the wounds of rejection and free us from the bonds of unworthiness.

Community Spirit Formula

This formula enhances our ability to sensitively and firmly express our personal needs in relationship to a group and to contribute inspiration to the community. It sparks an appreciation of our place in the greater global community and a sense of responsibility for the earth.


For those with a defeatism attitude, or those who experience the world as unsupportive or hostile, Crownbeard helps us to keep faith and optimism. It helps us to transmute fears of hostility and find purposeful expression.

Wild Buckwheat

This is the essence to use when you compare yourself to others and set yourself apart from them. When we focus on the differences between us in relationships we isolate ourselves. Wild Buckwheat helps us find and focus on what we have in common, and helps us blend and harmonize with others.

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Desert Alchemy