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The following flower essences are related to perspective.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Cane Cholla Cactus

Cane Cholla Cactus helps us leap to a new perspective when we struggle with an issue and insist upon defining it in such a way as to block its resolution.

Crisis-Desert Emergency Formula

This is a combination formula to facilitate appropriate response in any crisis situation. It helps us to be able to emerge from the belief that there are no choices. The Chinese hexagram for crisis is composed of two characters: danger and opportunity. The Crisis Formula supports our ability to stay present in apparent danger for the opportunity. This is a universal formula appropriate for any situation.

Hedgehog Cactus

Hedgehog Cactus helps us sort out the difference between self-nurturance and overindulgence. It intensifies empathetic perceptions, bringing us closer to nature.

Indian Root

Do you find yourself trying too hard and making things complex? Indian Root helps us value simplicity. It releases deep seated fears that block our free-flowing creative expression.

Senita Cactus

The grandparent’s perspective opens the flow of emotion without pain, without bitterness from the past or expectations for the future. Senita helps us access from within us a soft, sweet support for letting go of old perspectives that keep us locked into unsettled emotions.

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