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The following flower essences are related to heaviness.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.


Inmortal goes to the core of shame and self-esteem issues. It is excellent for resolving feelings of despair, feeling that problems are insoluble, and feeling inadequate. It helps us know the magnificence that we really are.

Lavender Wand Penstemon

For those who have an inability to deal with emotionally charged issues, this flower essence helps enhance our ability to move into and through difficult issues. It helps bring emotional objectivity and transforms attitudes of struggle and difficulty into ones of confident ease and steadiness of intention.


Periwinkle helps us to integrate and contemplate where we have come from in order to provide wisdom and understanding for the next phase of life. It is excellent when we attempt to forge on ahead into a new project or aspect of our lives without learning from where we have been.

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