Nice Guy Formula

Essence Type: Composite Formula

Flower Essence Description

This composite formula is for those who want to be nice at any price. It helps us have appropriate and straightforward relationships based upon respecting and empowering others, rather than rescuing them.

Contains: Air Element Formula, Candy Barrel Cactus, Sesame, Wolfberry.


Nice Guy Formula is related to the following keywords:



Nice Guy Formula is mentioned in the following core-issue articles:

The Core Issue: Overindulgence
overindulging others; letting others take advantage of you


Nice Guy Formula is part of the following series or practitioner kits:

Composite Formulas Kit

This kit includes our well-known line of 47 composite formulas that have in-depth descriptions in The Alchemy of the Desert – Second EditionĀ .

Gift of the Masculine Series

A selection of 12 composite formulas that awaken the gift of our inner masculine qualities. Used by men and women alike.

Feminine-Masculine Harmony Kit

The purpose of these flower essences is to support awareness of and enhance our inner feminine and inner masculine qualities.

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