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The following flower essences are related to intuition.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

A Way to the GodSelf Formula

This formula helps us recognize and trust our God essence; surrendering and flowing with universal cycles; feeling, knowing and living our spiritual Selves.

Creativity Formula

This is a formula that facilitates the process of creativity. It helps us to connect with inspiration and creative energy and supports us in refraining from judging ourselves and thus blocking or stifling our creativity. It is used for supporting us in expressing our individuality with a sense of universal wholeness.

Queen of the Night Cactus

The Queen of the Night can help us sink deeply into the intuitive root of our being to ground our subtle sensitivities. It helps us open to the qualities of the moon in our daily life, experiencing the blissful perspective of deeper understanding, feeling and sensuality.

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