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The following flower essences are related to broken-hearted.
Click on the name of the flower essence for more information and to check if it is pertinent to your need.

Desert Holly

Desert Holly helps us live in a heart-centered state, opening easily to love rather than working at it. It is excellent for those who feel stifled by smothering love or for those who live from their heads rather than from their hearts.

Syrian Rue

An energetic “truth serum”, Syrian Rue is for all issues of lying, being lied to, betrayal, telling the truth, and trustworthiness. It helps us know and trust in our own truth, regardless of external pressures.

Transitions Formula

This is a formula that helps bring a sense of peace and ease in times of great changes and transitions. It supports us in creating a sense of protection, concentration and luminescence that allows us to focus on making our transition without becoming caught in minor issues. Originally named the Death and Dying Formula, it is excellent for those making the physical transition as well as for any type of major change in our lives.

See also

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