Unification of the Polarities Formula

Essence Type: Composite Formula

Flower Essence Description

This is for bringing our internal and external male and female into balance and wholeness.

Contains: Desert Holly, Star Leaf.

Further Description

— Solara: This is for bringing our internal and external male and female qualities into balance and wholeness.

— Cynthia: When your inner masculine supports your inner feminine, and your inner feminine supports your inner masculine, you are unified and polarities are no longer discordant.

About the Components

The composite formula contains Desert Holly and Star Leaf.

Desert Holly purifies and opens your heart. It gently clears away emotional debris that obscures the natural flow of love. It helps you find unconditional love for yourself.

Star Leaf evokes self-acceptance and approval and the realization that you can be simply and purely who you are, and that is enough. The essence can help you find confidence and courage to interact with situations that come your way, trusting that what you contribute
is valuable.

How to use and related questions


Unification of the Polarities Formula is part of the following series or practitioner kits:

Angelic Awareness Kit

17 composite formulas that support us in awakening to angelic presence and working in co-operation to fulfill our divine purpose on earth.

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