11:11 Formula

Essence Type: Composite Formula

Flower Essence Description

11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed within our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter. When activated, it signifies that a time of completion is near. This formula is on going support for remaining balanced and in harmony with the energy of the new octave. It helps us to anchor divine energy into our mundane or worldly existence.

Contains: Agave, Red-Orange Epiphyllum, Saguaro Cactus.

Further Description

— Solara: 11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed within our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter. When activated, it signifies that our time of completion is near. This formula is on going support for remaining balanced and in harmony with the energy of the new octave. It helps us to anchor divine energy into our mundane or worldly existence.

— Cynthia: When this flower essence comes up, it indicates you are at a time when a great expansion in your consciousness is possible, and actually happening, whether you are aware of it or not.

The 11:11 Formula is for supporting this expansion and helping you to remain grounded and balanced while your consciousness opens in a new way. You are able to bring higher meaning and understanding into your daily life.

About the Components

The composite formula contains Saguaro Cactus, Agave, and Red-Orange Epiphyllum.

Saguaro Cactus helps you access and trust your deepest inner wisdom-authority aspects. It helps you see how you can best help yourself and not wait for others to do it. If you have any issues with power or authority, Saguaro Cactus can help you sort them out and move beyond them. It is a flower essence about self-empowerment.

Red-Orange Epiphyllum looks a lot like the Saguaro Cactus flower, but it is a magnificent red-orange color. When there is great spiritual energy that is ready to be anchored in the world, this essence anchors its manifestation. It helps you be in the world but not of it, as you ground Goddess energy into worldly existence.

Agave is a flower essence that helps you know and trust you inner strengths and allow them to manifest and be integrated into daily life. I like to call it the late bloomer’s essence. It helps you embody your innate gifts and capabilities and the universal principle of owning your level of mastery.

It is indicated when a lot of inner work has already been done and now the time has come to bring it out into daily life.

How to use and related questions


11:11 Formula is part of the following series or practitioner kits:

Angelic Awareness Kit

17 composite formulas that support us in awakening to angelic presence and working in co-operation to fulfill our divine purpose on earth.

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