Aligning with Higher Self Formula

Essence Type: Composite Formula

Flower Essence Description

This is a good starting space. It begins to expand your perceptions and enlarge your internal grid system so that your Higher Self will be able to move into your third dimensional field. By consciously aligning with our Higher Self we empower the angelic realm to support us.

Contains: Oleander, Sow Thistle.

Further Description

— Solara: This is a good starting space. It begins to expand your perceptions and enlarge your internal grid system so that your Higher Self will be able to move into your third dimensional field.

— Cynthia: When you are aligned with your Higher Self you can observe yourself having any number of reactions to life. Instead of becoming the reaction, you can watch yourself experience it and you are then available to seek within to find the source of it.

For example, in the English language we say, “I am angry.” We become the emotion of anger.

However, when you are aligned with your Higher Self you can instead think, “Look at me have this anger reaction. I wonder where it is coming from?”

By consciously aligning with your Higher Self you empower the angelic realm to support you.

About the Components

This composite formula contains Oleander and Sow Thistle.

Oleander helps you to deal with anything with ease and simplicity. Many folks think that aligning with their higher self is difficult or mysterious. This flower essence can help you let go and simply experience the ease of being centered in you heart. From your heart’s desire to align with a higher force you will.

Sow Thistle is a flower essence that can help you if your mind is obnoxiously convinced that you cannot align with your higher self. It helps you let go and experience what your heart desires.

How to use and related questions


Aligning with Higher Self Formula is related to the following keywords:



Aligning with Higher Self Formula is part of the following series or practitioner kits:

Angelic Awareness Kit

17 composite formulas that support us in awakening to angelic presence and working in co-operation to fulfill our divine purpose on earth.

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